Wednesday 20 July 2016


            Over the years, people have been questioning and doubting my writing skill. I usually dont give a single flying F about it and just shake it off, cuz this B knows himself better. But these past few months, there is this annoying unshakable tiny little devil called 'Insecurity', which has been eating me inside out. I am currently jobless and avidly looking for jobs, but everytime I wanna apply something involving writing and stuff, I be like, ‘OMG, you don’t even blog anymore, how do you know your writing is as good as they want you to?’. So this is a huge bummer because now I am afraid and feel intimidated to even send my resume. You know that saying, I dont really remember the exact line but it says something like this. When people say shit about you all the time, you will somehow slowly believe that you are what people have been saying after all, and this stupid totally irrelevant saying is what this little devil eats, and every time you think about it, you are actually feeding this damn devil, and mark my words dear good people of the world, this devil will soon grow bigger, bit by bit and soon break the Confident Cage where you once locked it.
            I perceive myself as a pretty confident with a whole lot of sass type of person, well, most of the times, but at some times, I do feel this unbearable overwhelming unstable emotional tsunami where I feel completely vulnerable and afraid of the unknown. I wish I could control everything, I wish I could control the future so that, I know what to expect. Honestly, I do but.

Exactly, where is the fun in that, right? So, I am now actually fighting my fears and just F everything else. I am here to give a definition to my life. I am tired of sitting and do nothing but tweeting all the time.

I have been keeping this idea to start a blog on pop culture where I update about a lot of stuff but I am afraid that there'll be no one but me who would read it - so this stupid fear I have is soo irrelevant that I wanna slap myself for having such fear. I have love writing all my life and I have always wanted to blog - for real this time. I’ve tried blogging before but it didn’t go so well. I tried the mean ass gossip girl type of blog during high school and THAT WAS A MAJOR DISASTER, but thank god, no one was hurt because it was immediately shut down before it went totally rampage and kill people, emotionally and their relationship. Then, I started again last year where I hit rock bottom and wrote a whole lot of sappy shit until I realized that I am being such an ungrateful B, so I stopped and start journal again. #BackToBasic. So, now, Imma start again n hopefully this stays.
I think I am quite well known for my vast knowledge on the entertainment world and pop culture - the only silver lining of being a jobless millennial nowadays, sad but whatever - and people have been coming to me and ask about a lot of things (mainly celebrity gossips) that they miss because they have better things to do like earning some honest money - praise God for that. Then, it hit me, what if I just wrote a blog about it and every time they have question, they can just go to my blog and read it on their own. I mean, I aint complaining but penatlah weyy nak ulang cerita sama banyak kali. Don’t get me wrong, I like that you look to me for news but sometimes, tweeting thru phone isn’t what I wanna do the whole day. Mak aku nanti berambat with penyapu, tweet manjang, rumah tunggang langgang. When I online, it’ll drain my energy and soul then I jadi malas nak buat kerja. It gets to the best of people kan? I pun manusia juga sayangku. So yeah, I think that irrelevant fear I have or had, can go suck it. Readers or no readers, if writing really is my passion then it shouldn’t bother me, right. So yeah, hopefully people will like this.

I should make a tagline, a catch phrase of some sort, but I’ll think about it later. New updates will be posted soon. I’ll tweet about it later kay. Stay tune! X

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