Friday 5 August 2016


So this week Im gonna talk about body. I have always wondered why we have this amazing yet mysterious attraction towards certain types of body. Some like it skinny, some like fat bottomed and some like it HOT! I mean, we are all flesh and blood, and basically made from the same material. Whatever skin was made of. It has always been a mystery for me why do people attracted to do things on others based on their body type. Okay, not gonna talk about sexual stuff because I am halfway there already, so lets go back to the start. Body Issue. Lets begin!

#1 - Photoshopped Perfection

Okay I swear to God, this is recent news as I promised to yall. - But really photoshopped perfection has been an issue since day 1 and the war against it is still up and running!

The reason why I want to draw this issue out because today, I saw 3 news about body and one of them is Margot Robbie’s butt in Suicide Squad!

I haven’t watched Suicide Squad myself - so I don’t have any reviews, hmm maybe I should do some movie reviewing, perhaps later. But I have watched the trailer and holy hell, Margot Robbie’s butt is amazing! Bubblicious butt, the very butt even I wish I owned. In the trailer, her butt looks beautiful and perfect however, as the movie has just been released, people have noticed that her butt in the movie isn’t the same as the one we all saw in the trailer. Like HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPENED? And obviously, its PHOTOSHOPPED!

if you watch the trailer, you would notice how awesome that butt was, but when you watch the movie version, you'll get this squared and covered butt. So, normally people (or maybe its just me cuz I can be super negative) will attack the better one and say that they photoshopped Margot's butt to fit into people's delusion of perfection but really, its the other way around. The squared one is actually the photoshopped version.

She got sass in her ass!
Later it was confirmed it happened because it is necessary for them to do that in order to expand their market in conservative countries like mine, Malaysia - yes, Malaysian, we probably get the squared one! This is also news to Margot Robbie herself because in a recent interview, she was asked whether her butt was really photoshopped in the movie and she had no idea about that.

Original is better!

2. Cheap Thrills?

So now Im gonna preach about body confidence. JICYMI, ORLANDO BLOOM PADDLE BOARDING IN HIS BIRTHDAY SUIT LAST 2 DAYS IN ITALY W BAE KATY PERRY, and from the shadow of it, ITS MONSTROUS! Okay so what so positive about paddling in nude? Well, first of, would you go out in public without anything on? He did, but he wore shades though probably to avoid the sunny sunshines and oh, the public - jokes on him, we recognize that everything, n now that haunting shadow lurking between his beautiful thighs. Second of all, at that beach? Lake? I don’t know, but there isn’t just the lovebirds, but there are others - friends, fans, staff? And he went totally nude mode like nobody’s watching. I mean, if I were there, you bet your schlong I would be doing nothing but staring right at it the whole time.

What Im trying to say is, he has such a huge size of confidence. I mean, most people would find it hard to even show their shoulder ni lagilah nak tunjuk hot dog kau! Memang taklah kan, so he is so confident! Perhaps, he is proud of that long schlong - I mean I would be - that he thinks he needs to show it to the world, right? Ohhh, don’t go all innocent on me, you are an A - lister kot n currently intimate with another A - lister OBVI THE PAPS ARE SWARMING LIKE VULTURES. Put that in mind, I believe he knows the consequences and he’s come to term, I guess which shows that he don’t give a single flying you know what about what people think - I called him cheap yesterday's morning before come to my senses that he might actually tryna have some wild fun. Anyway, Mr Bloom, your stem is blooming and we all wanna see the pinkish flower. So, please I hope I can see that flower the soonest!
Not encouraging people to go nude, but if you want, do it at somewhere where people don’t mind and respect the culture n others, like Orlando. But honestly, nude on me, I wont mind.

Yours Thirstayyyy

-- UPDATE: THE MONSTER HAS BEEN EXPOSED and I can only say this, turtleneck.

3. All Size Matters!

So, negative and positive so far, so lets end this with justice, shall we?
Gonna end this with my fav girl, Ashley Graham!
werking my angle!

Recently, Ashley has been receiving a hell lot of backlashes from her used-to-be-fans now turned over her because they think Ashley has been secretly slimming down prior to his instagram post.
the IG post!
I KNOW! But as per last week, marilah kita pakai kasut diorang ni and try to understand from their point of view. If I am a fat guy, Imma legit look up to her. Someone from our community has made it in the big world and shown to em that fat or slim, we can be pretty and feel secure of our ownself, and I’ve been telling myself that “hey, being fat is okay. Being plus size isn’t a big of a deal. As long as Im happy and healthy then fuck yall irrelevants, I am pretty and I am strong” in front of my mirror which located next to a huge ass poster of Ashley Graham in a sexy lingerie. But then one day, I log onto my social media account and HOLY SHIT! Whats this? Is she getting slimmer? What about all that crap she’s been saying all this while? Fat and Proud? BULLSHIT! She lied to me! She lied to us! Wait, Imma shade this girl soo hard she’s gonna eat ice cream until she’s fat again. Or something like that. Okay this is harsh but this is what I think. I mean, people are mad that she’s not doing what she’s preaching. Trust me, I know this feeling. I felt the same thing when Kim exposed Taylor. I was betrayed and I believe her fans felt the same way as I did. It is totally normal you guys.

But Ashley came with a great clapback by saying that she’s not getting slimmer. Its because of the lighting and angle where the picture was taken. She later clarified that she’s actually gained a little more. Hey, not only that, instead of playing goody-two-shoes, she fiercely tell those irrelevants to pull their heads off their ass and think thoroughly. Does it really matter if she slims down? If she choose to slim down one day, will it be socially unacceptable? Her fans should not take her down because of such reason. If she wants to slim down, then it will be on her own decision not because of others. She later told everyone that it doesn’t matter if you are fat or skinny - you know the drill, people should not attack others who gain or lose weight just because they want to feel good about themselves or they don’t want to feel that they are being left out because people should feel secure about their own body and let others do what they deem right in their mind. If others want to change for the better, then support them not attacking them for taking such a huge leap. - or you can read the whole thing here.

More or less, that is what Ashley and later she posted this picture on her instagram!

Girl, you can leave your toothbrush at my place anytime!

P.S. Remember to always love yourself and respect others!

Catch more stories soon okay! Love X